Riders and Red Cross tackle bullying in northern communities
The Saskatchewan Roughriders and the Canadian Red Cross teamed up to tackle bullying in the province, and organizers want to spread their program to as many northern communities as possible.
Several current and former Roughriders were on hand to speak at a luncheon held today in Prince Albert, backed by the Northern Lights Casino, P.A. Inn and P.A. Chamber of Commerce.
Luc Mullinder, former Roughrider defensive end and leader of the Imagine No Bullying program, said several specially-trained members of the Roughriders have toured schools in the province to spread the program’s anti-bullying message. Last year, he said, the initiative reached more than 30,000 students.
“Our goal, which we will reach, is to get in front of every student in the province by 2019,” Mullinder said. “Together we will change the culture around bullying.”