Former Expo Tim Raines looking good to make Hall of Fame in final year on ballot
MONTREAL — Based on ballots made public this week by American sports writer Ryan Thibodaux, former Montreal Expo Tim Raines could pull off a rare feat on Wednesday.
Being named to the Baseball Hall of Fame is exclusive enough — only 217 players have done it — but being elected in his 10th and last year on the ballot is even more of a rarity.
Ralph Kiner, Jim Rice and Red Ruffing are the only players elected into the Hall in Cooperstown, N.Y. in their last year of eligibility.
Rice and Ruffing made it in their 15th year, which from 1963 to 2014 was the longest a name was allowed to appear on the ballot. It has since been cut to 10 years. Kiner was in his 13th year when he got the nod in 1975, as there was no vote held in 1963 and 1965.