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15 uncontrollable fires in the La Ronge area, residents evacuated

Jun 7, 2015 | 11:34 AM

Multiple fires are currently ablaze in the La Ronge area. The Lac La Ronge Indian Band has declared it an emergency situation.

It turns out Saturday’s thunder and lightning storm has had some lasting effects that continue to wreak havoc in the Northern part of the province.

According to the Government of Saskatchewan website’s Daily Wildfire Report, released at 10 a.m. on Sunday, 23 fires are burning in the La Ronge area. Of those, 15 are not contained, which means despite efforts to suppress the fires, they are expected to continue to grow in size.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-Searson updated her Facebook page last night at around 11 p.m. with a notice that due to heavy smoke, high-risk people with chronic breathing problems would be evacuated to Prince Albert immediately. She urged those remaining in the area to take precautions by keeping windows and doors closed.

According to Cook-Searson, 61 people from Sikichu Lake and Clam Lake Bridge have been evacuated to Prince Albert so far. Others are staying with family and friends in Hall Lake and La Ronge.

“Wild Fire Management is continuing to action the fires. They inform us that the community of Hall Lake is not at risk from the Fire at this time. We will keep you updated,” she posted.

Cameron Harrison, Lieutenant with the La Ronge Fire Department, said so far the City of La Ronge is in the safe zone.

“There are several fires actively burning around La Ronge. None at this time are threatening the community. It’s just smoke,” he said.

According to Harrison, those fires took off at around 1:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon when lightning struck in the area.

The fires are currently being fought by SERM, provincial forest-firefighters and water bombers.

Harrison said residents will be made aware if an evacuation of the city has to take place but he isn’t sure exactly when that would be.

“It would depend on the wind direction,” he said. “Right now they’re definitely not close enough to be threatening.”

“If they start to become threatening we’ll put out the evacuation alerts and we’ll give them situational updates if they’re coming towards the town,” he said.

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