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Beautiful Babies of 2014

Feb 5, 2015 | 6:39 PM

Chloe is the Beautiful Babies of 2014 winner.

After a short period of time, 261 Beautiful Babies’ photos have been posted to be showcased on paNOW.

Chloe, along with her parents Jordan Ashby and Kala Dragseth has been presented with two certificates:

A $200 “Sears the Baby’s Room” Gift Card

$100 credit from Lisa Larson Photography

Chloe was born Oct. 7, 2014 to parents Kala and Jordan, and has blessed this young family with much love and happiness.

paNOW advertising consultant Marlene Stene was excited to present the parents with these certificates to help them along the journey of raising this beautiful baby.

“The overwhelming success of the contest took us by surprise to have 261 new arrivals posted was a gigantic response,” Stene said, and added that the photos of the babies posted can be seen here for an extended period of time.

paNOW thanks all those who showed off their new arrivals. Stay tuned for next year.