R U Tuff Enuff hits the ring
All boxers from Prince Albert competed well with two bouts that could have gone been decided either way in the Cole Ahenakew and the Melanie Regier bout. Devon Anderson from the P.A Thomas Settee Boxing Club clearly got robbed a controversial decision in the last fight of the night.
The R U TUFF ENUFF was revitalized last night by displaying 20 excellent boxing matches filled with Novice boxers with limited experience as well as boxers with many amateur bouts who competed without head gear creating an even more exciting atmosphere than expected.
The event featured numerous local boxers as well as clubs from Winnipeg, Edmonton, Whitecourt Alberta, Fort MacMurry, Regina, Saskatoon and Swift Current. All clubs were very impressed with this boxing card and have promised to return next year.
Golden Gloves winners from Prince Albert Ian Abbot and Devin Masuskapoe.