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Dances, suppers, delivering meals all on P.A. Legion’s agenda

Jan 23, 2015 | 5:26 AM

Even as the Prince Albert Royal Canadian Legion’s members age, they aren’t running out of steam.

Barb Cennon with the branch said starting on Dec. 31, they’ve been breathing new life into their branch.

One initiative they started at a New Year’s dance is accepting food bank donations in entry fees.

About 50 people came “and danced all night, and right straight through to 2 o’clock in the morning,” Cennon said. The collected about 60 pounds of food that night.

While they have about 25 veterans that are quite active as members, the legion invites people of all stripes and ages. This includes police, correctional officers, cadets, and anyone who can find a current member to sponsor them. 

The club’s bar, pool tables, shuffleboard, and dance floor have an appeal for “anybody that really feels more comfortable in a small environment,” Cennon explained.

She said this year they’re putting in extra effort to bring more people through the doors.

“For a long time there wasn’t lots of entertainment,” she said. “I think if we can get the odd performer in and combine that with the local, anything local that we can do for events, I think it’ll be good for us.”

The legion board is interested in hosting more dances and having DJs on top of its current Friday night snack and Saturday suppers.

The Saturday themed supper will be offered to veterans that have become “shut-ins,” Cennon explained.

“Just so that they know that we don’t forget them and that we know, we care that they come out and can get out and socialize with us.”

The legion’s members have good reason to tout what they have to offer.

“We’re here to help the veterans too. If we don’t have the place open, what are our veterans gonna do? They like to come here, they like to have coffee, they like to socialize and play crib, and just be a part of the little family that we have here,” Cennon explained.

People can visit the legion at 133 Eighth Street East to become a member, or to come as a guest, or click here. The cost $49.99 a year.

The legion’s next event is a Valentine’s Day dance next month.

On Twitter: @chelsealaskowsk