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Positive Discipline Training

Jan 7, 2015 | 8:17 AM

Positive Discipline Training will be provided at the Holiday Inn Express, 3580 – 2nd Avenue West, Prince Albert, SK on February 3-5, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Cost of the training is $100 per participant.

What is Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting?

Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (PDEP) is an approach to parenting that teaches children and guides their behaviour, while respecting their rights to healthy development, protection from violence and participation in their learning. Positive Discipline can be used from birth onward into adulthood. It is based on research in children’s healthy development, effective parenting, and founded on child rights principles.

Positive Discipline is not permissive parenting and is not about punishment. It is about long-term solutions that develop children’s own self-discipline and their lifelong skills. Positive Discipline is about teaching non-violence, empathy, self-respect, human rights and respect for others.

The Positive Discipline program is a not-for-profit program that was developed in partnership between the University of Manitoba and Save the Children Sweden. Positive Discipline is a preventive, universal, and culturally inclusive approach toparenting and working with children.

Who should attend?

Early childhood educators, parent support staff, public health nurses, family home visitors, community development workers, child and family support workers, and other professionals.
Anyone who supports parents, children, and/or families.
Anyone interested in facilitating positive discipline parent groups through their workplace.

  • Follow-up Mentorship Support
  • Coffee, Snacks and Lunch
  • Parent Book
  • Handouts

Training includes:

  • 3 day training                                   
  • Facilitator Manual

Application deadline is January 14th, 2015.

Contact via Email:

Training Facilitators are: Tanis Shanks – Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting Trainer and Facilitator and Rhonda Patterson – Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting Trainer and Facilitator.