Is Pre-Planning a Funeral a Good Idea?
Funeral Homes encourage preplanning your own funeral. As with any large decision in life there can be pros and cons to preplanning your own funeral. I remember when my children were approaching the age of decision making for themselves and we would sit down and make a list of the benefits and disadvantages in the decision making process.
The trouble with making your own list of pros and cons regarding funeral planning is that you probably don’t have enough information to create that list to help you decide if it’s right for you.
In April of 1996, the Funeral Profession Coalition Council of Canada finished a 123 page report that weighed consumer attitudes about funerals and all things related to them. Butler Research Associates conducted the survey which is referred to in the industry as “The Butler Report”. Interesting key findings were, with respect to funeral homes, 59% surveyed held favorable attitudes. However, only 41% said they knew a great deal or a fair amount about funeral homes, and 20% knew almost nothing or nothing at all. Even though the report was done nearly 20 years ago, I think similar results would occur in a survey today.
Interestingly, the same report broke down the percentages of people making their own funeral plans. Which camp are you in?