Top stories of 2014: Hwy 302 washout lasts months
Our 3rd story of 2014 gave travellers of Highway 302 a headache—for months.
On May 3 a washout on Hwy 302 left a gaping hole on the side of the road that made it impassable for drivers. This forced drivers along a detour 15 kilometres (kms) outside of city limits until October.
Joel Cherry, communications consultant with the ministry of highways and infrastructure, said washouts aren’t unheard of after a spring such as the one the province experienced.
“There was significant rainfall and precipitation in that area, as well as runoff and we had culvert failures all across the province this year. There was really significant damage to culverts and bridges in southeastern Saskatchewan as well, for example. There was a couple of other roads up in the Prince Albert area that washed out,” he explained.