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Apologise when wrong.

Talk to them about the world.

Do things together.

Tell them stories about them.

Make decisions together.

Tell them stories about you.

Respect their privacy.

Make them belong.

Laugh with them and at yourself.

Help them know what they stand for.

Let them be silly.

Allow them to feel free in a safe place.

Encourage them.

Create opportunities for success.

Support them.

Be fair to them.

Know that they make mistakes.

Allow them to grow.

Reward and praise them.

Tell them why you love them.

Get to know their friends.

Help others support them.

Be firm and gentle.

Value each child’s unique ability.

Protect them.

Cry with them.

Don’t embarrass them.

Teach responsibility.

Help them figure things out.

Meet with their teachers.

Learn from them.

Attend all their concerts.

Help them heal when they fall.

Ask their opinions.

Help them to the finish line.

Model forgiving yourself.

Guide them as they jump through hoops.

Enjoy the small joys.                                                                             

Change your bad habits so they have good ones.

Set good examples.

Love them deeply and forever. It all starts with being the best parent you can be.

Above all, remember, you’re not their friend.  You’re their parent.

They might grow up wanting to be like you. What greater way to live on forever!