Saskatoon vet reacts to 16th soldier suicide of 2014
A Saskatoon veteran said the latest suicide by a Canadian soldier is another example of the failure to look after a group of people who deserve better.
Cary Tarasoff was discharged from the Canadian Forces in 1990, after injuries sustained during training in the late ’80s were found to make him unable to continue serving.
When he learned of the death of Cpl. Scott Smith this week at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, he said the first thing people need to know is that the numbers aren’t what they seem. Smith’s death is the 16th recorded suicide of a Canadian soldier in 2014. Tarasoff said that number is low because the only ones being counted are men who serve in the regular forces, discounting reservists and women in what Tarasoff said is a ploy to make a dire situation appear better.
“People’s lives are in the balance here, they’re dying and it’s not just the 15 or 16 or whatever. It’s probably 30 or 40 or 50 or 60, because if you start adding all the reservists who went to Afghanistan and you start adding all the females in the regular force, I know at least two that have died,” he said.