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Stress: Heartless Skin Wrecker

Nov 7, 2014 | 3:34 PM

Stress is wicked and cruel and she leaves a swath of destruction wherever she goes.  She lays waste to your health.  She rips and tears your sleep out.  She laughs at the scorched earth she leaves in her wake: your skin.

You look as bruised and beat up as you feel.  You look haggard;old, as if you needed to look any older.

Maybe more pimples, or rosacea, or a rash, or hives!  You just keep paying for it, this dirty thing you have, with stress.

Stress is a heartless skinwrecker. She needs to be taken down peg.  She needs to be put in her place. As tempting as she is to think about all day and all night, you need to take a stand.
End it with stress.  Kick her to the curb.

There are two billion stress buster tips out there, in books and online.  I won’t waste your time trying to list them all.  I’m asking you, on behalf of your face, to recommit and devote yourself to the one who has always been there for you; the one that suports you and makes you feel like a million bucks – relaxation.  

Research online.  Take a book out from the library.  Figure out your strategy to grow your relationship with relaxation and how to end it with stress.  You know you’d be proud to take relaxation home to meet Momma.  Relaxation is smart.  She’s funny.  She brings out the best in you; in everyone.  All your friends will be jealous when you show relaxation off around town. They’ll be especially jealous of your skin. 

Do the right thing. Call Results at 306 953 1986 or visit us online at Stress doesn’t come around Results.  She knows she’s not welcome.  But relaxation is a regular at Results.  Come meet her.