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School still standing after 50 years

Oct 26, 2014 | 11:57 AM

On Saturday afternoon, Osborne School held a 50 year anniversary celebration for staff and students, past and present. 

People were able to enjoy tea and treats as they reminisced with old friends.

Osborne School serves rural communities south of Prince Albert to St. Louis.  Barry Hollick, Chair of the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Board said at one time, many rural area schools only had one room. 

“The people here in the district had the school built and it’s served the community now for 50 years,” he said. “It’s a really vibrant school, very good community support.  The people who live in the area support all of the activities here and it’s really the hub of the community out here.”

Hollick said 50 years is a milestone to be celebrated and was happy to see people come out to enjoy the event.

“It’s really a good day for everyone I think and people are renewing acquaintances,” he said.

Jana Miller, a former student, said her parents told her about the event and she was curious about what the school looked like since she went there. 

“My parents both taught here at different times in their careers and we live not far away so it’s just sort of connecting to old faces, people from my childhood,” she said.

Wade Hammond, a former student, said he has several family connections to the school. His father went there, his daughter just started kindergarten and his grandmother was one of the first teachers. 

“It’s pretty neat knowing there’s three generations that went to the exact same school,” he said.  “Every time we walk back in here, it brings back memories.”

Mark Boden, school council president, described it as a small school with a big heart. He is a former student, and each of his three children has attended the school or is currently attending. 

“Everybody knows everybody, the kids all get along.  We don’t have a bullying issue or anything else like that,” he said.  “It’s nice to send your kids to a great school.”

Boden said it was good to see old, familiar faces at the celebration.

“It feels like home,” he said.

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