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People put behind bars for good cause

Oct 23, 2014 | 5:09 PM

The 25 annual Jail-N-Bail, a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer society, was held at the Gateway Mall on Thursday.

Throughout the day, people were brought before different judges who assessed their charges.

Don Mitchell and Neil Headrick from CKBI took the judges hot seat at one point during the day and charged numerous people. 

“There’s trumped up charges that the bailiffs bring in. They suggest different fines for different people,” Headrick said.

The judges were able to lower or raise the fines for each guilty person.  Laurie Dent, former manager at the Canadian Cancer Society’s charge this year was not bringing enough baking for her coworkers. The original bail amount was $1000 but the judges brought it up to $1200.

A bribe jar was set up for people to try and convince the judges to lower their bail.

“If someone does bribe us, we fine them extra for trying to bribe a judge so they can’t win,” Headrick said.

Kyle Bender started working with the Canadian Cancer society in April and this is his first time taking part in the event.  His role was to take calls from people who wanted to have someone arrested.  He said people are creative with the types of charges.

“We’ve had somebody arrested for being French, not knowing how to milk a goat, and being way overdue with buying the staff lunch,” he said. “We have a gentleman who’s going to be arrested for failing to match his tie to his shirt and has been known to wear purple tights.”

Joan Breland was arrested for taking on too many renovations. Her original charge was $500 but the judge at the time raised it to $750. 

“With great support from friends and coworkers and certainly from my organization, we were able to raise the money on behalf of the Cancer Society,” she said.

Charlene Bernard, Unit Manager with the Canadian Cancer Society said $17,283 is the total so far. 

Bernard said the ‘Most Wanted’ felons were Trevor ‘The Medic’ Dutchak, raising $2185.00 and the top surprised ‘Jailbird’ was Tim Degelman with $2000.

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