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SCA holds annual district meetings

Oct 21, 2014 | 7:15 AM

The Saskatchewan Cattleman’s Association (SCA) will be hosting their district meetings this week with the first meetings taking place in Regina and Brock on Monday.

These meetings are held every fall and are run by the district director.

Paula Larson, board chair for SCA, said the meetings are a way for the SCA to look at producer’s issues and to explain what the association has been doing for producers.

“[At the meetings] we’ll have someone from the Canadian Cattleman’s Association (CCA) and discuss what’s been going on with them. Local agriculture people will come in and do presentations. We discuss topics, if there was really big issues that would be discussed and possible resolutions formed and taken forward to our annual general meeting in January.”

Larson said the presentations done by SCA show what they’ve been up to, where they’ve been this year and how they are representing producers, along with a similar presentation done by the CCA.

“It’s their dollars that are being administered by SCA and they should know where their money is being spent.

“We get so very busy with the issues we’re dealing with we might miss something, that something’s going on that we’re not aware of, that can be brought forward. Just generally getting to talk to these people and get to know them on a personal basis,” Larson explained.

She said she knows most of the people in her area, but some other areas are wider and greater so this is an opportunity for district directors to get to know their area.

“[It’s to let them] know they can come to you and talk to you any day of the year.”

For those who can’t make it to the meetings and have an issue, Larson said to just pick up your phone and call your district director.

“If you’re not getting any response from your area director call the SCA office and we’ll get someone on it. There are always people with things we can’t fix for them but we’re certainly listen and see what we can do.”

Meetings in the Prince Albert area will be held in Shellbrook on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Senior Citizen Centre and in Tisdale on Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the Tisdale Recplex (Hanover room).

“It’s been a wonderful fall, prices are good, I don’t see a possibility of that ending really quickly so I think everybody will be pleasant and happy at these meetings.”

For more information on the district meetings or to learn how to get ahold of your director visit the SCA website.

On Twitter: @sarahthesquid