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Community Networking Coalition Showcase

Oct 17, 2014 | 7:56 AM

Community Networking Coalition *Agency Showcase

“Enhancing Agency Coordination”

Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 – 12:30 – 3:30 pm

PA Arts Center, 1010 Central Avenue – 2nd Floor Studio

Agency Showcase

Learn more about the services & resources that are available in Prince Albert

Each participant will be given space (half table) to display their brochures, materials handouts, etc.   (just pick a table when you arrive if you wish to display)

Each participant will be given 2 minutes to present an outline of what their organization has to offer in the way of resources and services – put your name on a time-slot when you arrive

Purpose of the Showcase

We all know how difficult it can be to meet the needs of the people that we serve on a daily basis.  We are often too busy to keep up with what is available and our clients miss out on resources and opportunities that could make things better for them.  This day has been designed to provide participants with up to date information on resources/services in a wide range of agencies in one afternoon.  Everyone can share what they have to offer and learn how to be more effective in their own workplace at the same time.  Space is limited to 50 participants.

Registration is free – there will be a silver collection to defray costs – voluntary

Registration Deadline October 24, 2014

**Registration is also open to those who do not want to present, but want to listen and learn about available services and resources.

Delphine Melchert, CNC Coordinator

306-764-3389 Phone