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Shayne Lazarowich to Seek NDP Prince Albert/Carlton Nomination

Oct 15, 2014 | 1:58 PM

Shayne Lazarowich has announced that he will run for the nomination for the Saskatchewan NDP in the PA Carlton constituency.

Lazarowich is the current Executive Director of the Prince Albert Multicultural Council (PAMC). He has been able to transform that agency into a strong and vibrant service provider and an integral and modern part of the Prince Albert cultural landscape, which serves our rapidly growing newcomer population and the community in general.

He is the primary organizer of major Prince Albert Multicultural Council annual events, such as the PA Canada Day Celebration, and Tapestrama Cultural Festival.

“I have spent most of my adult life committed to community capacity building, development, and education. The citizens of Prince Albert deserve leaders that can look past petty politicking and self-interest. As your MLA, I will build on the strong relationships that I have with other levels of government, organizations, businesses and individuals, to work vigorously to truly bring Prince Albert together, and to achieve real, sustainable economic and social growth in our community.” (Shayne Lazarowich)

Lazarowich has become an extremely active member of the community, through the PAMC and various other organizations. He currently serves as President of the Canadian Mental Health Association (PA Branch), Board Member for the Prince Albert and District Chamber of Commerce, and Board Member for the Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies. He is also involved in other local and provincial organizations, including the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan and the Prince Albert Diversity-Wise Committee.

Lazarowich attained a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Political Studies) at the University of Saskatchewan. He is also a founding member of successful Prince Albert roots band, “All Mighty Voice”.

Shayne and his wife, Cindy, live near Kinsmen Park, in the PA Carlton constituency, and are proud to call Prince Albert their home.

For more information contact:
Shayne Lazarowich

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