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Mobile blood clinic gets support

Oct 12, 2014 | 11:35 AM

The recent announcement by the Canadian Blood Services of a national blood shortage has prompted blood clinics to ask people for their help.

A Canadian Blood Services Mobile Clinic was set up in Prince Albert on Wednesday afternoon and donors were out to support the cause.

This was Amy Nilson’s first time donating and said she just wanted to help out.  

“I have heard through the campaign that it’s at a critical state and it’s all in us to give essentially and perhaps one day down the line, I’ll need a transfusion,” she said.

Lina Kovacs has donated numerous times before and came to the clinic because it is a habit.

“I have hemochromatosis which is too much iron in the blood and one way to get rid of some of this iron is to donate blood,” she said.

Emily Paskaruk, a first time donor, said she came to the clinic because she can and thinks it’s the right thing to do, especially after hearing about the blood shortage.

“I think that if you’re eligible and you’re healthy then you should,” she said. 

Although this is not Jason Everitt’s first time donating, he said he hasn’t been to one for a while.

“It’s definitely an important thing so, the more help that we can give the better and it just so happens they’re on a drive right now trying to get more people out,” he said. 

According to Canadian Blood Services, someone in Canada will need blood approximately every minute of every day and even one blood donation can save a life.

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