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Debbie Lehner of P.A. SPCA announces resignation

Oct 6, 2014 | 11:41 AM

A prominent person in the community and a helper of abandoned animals has officially announced her resignation.

Debbie Lehner, executive director of the Prince Albert SPCA has announced she will be stepping down from her position as of Nov. 30.

Lehner said it was not an easy decision, but the best one for her.

“I’ve always had a goal when I first started with the SPCA and that was to build the new shelter, and with the mindset I would stay for a while once we were in the new facility,” said Lehner. “I think my job is done.”

And Lehner has more than completed that goal having not only successfully opened a new facility, but also another source of funding for the Prince Albert SPCA with the Paw Print Inn.

Lehner said it’s time for a new start and for someone with a fresh set of ideas to come in and pick up where she left off.

“I think the organization is ready for a new person, with fresh ideas and new marketing ideas that can take the organization to the next level,” said Lehner.

Looking forward Lehner said she is confident there is someone out there who can continue to raise up the status of the Prince Albert SPCA.

“I’m sure there’s lots of people out there that have much more expertise than myself,” said Lehner. “I really believe heading into the future and going forward within the new facility, that the organization really does need a new person with new ideas and a new vision, and expertise that perhaps I don’t have going forward.”

Lehner said she’s looking to take some time off.

“I’m going to take a few months off and not do too much,” said Lehner. “I might look for some sort of part-time job just to keep myself busy.”

The staff at the SPCA was informed a while ago, according to Lehner, and she believes they will hold the organization together in her absence.

“Between our staff and Leanne Roberts, our director of operations, they will be the glue that holds the place together while the new person is getting their feet wet,” said Lehner. “They’re not here because of me, they’re here because of their passion and commitment for animal welfare.”

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