The Sunseri Did Not Rise Over Hamilton
That was ugly.
It may not have been worst game over as some 70 year old Rider fan from England told me Monday afternoon because I have endured enough of those and this guy’s memory isn’t what it used to be. Still, this game ranks as the stinker of the season, and has raised some troubling doubts in Rider Nation as to whether or not this team has peaked or will peak on Sunday against Ottawa and will just slide out of the 2014 season.
First, after taking in two practices at Taylor Field last week, I was struck at the different in speed between what takes place at practice and what Sunseri faced on the field. Let’s be honest, if I can guess what the hell they were going to face on the field, the Rider coaches who know a hell of a lot more certainly knew that.
Sunseri had the eyes in the headlights look of a racoon about to get nailed on Highway 11. His mind could not process how fast the play was moving so he could not get the ball out fast enough and he was not confident about where to throw it. I wondered if George Cortez has a bounty on interceptions thrown with each interception costing a quarterback say $500, which when you think of it is not a bad idea. Sunseri threw one interception, probably realized his game cheque needed all the cash he could muster and did not throw it deep for the rest of the game.