Local judo hopeful sits out final provincial tournament with injury
The Prince Kenshukan Judo Club hosted this season’s final provincial judo tournament, and noticeably on the sidelines was one of the city’s top judoka, Josh Guthrie.
Guthrie was a timekeeper at the tournament at Carlton Comprehensive High School Saturday afternoon. The tournament drew competitors from all over the province in various weight categories. The winner of two gold medals at this year’s Sask Winter Games – in 60+ kilogram (kg) wrestling and judo – is currently sidelined with back problems.
The under 66 kg judoka will, however, be heading to the National Championships in Saguenay, Que., which start May 15. He said he would have wanted to take part in the provincial tournament in Prince Albert.
“I don’t want to risk it … getting hurt for Nationals. I already injured my back a little bit, so, I just got to take it easy for the next couple of days,” he said.