Monthly water billing could be coming in 2014
Prince Albert is one vote away from approving a monthly water billing cycle for its residents.
City council will make its final decision at next week’s meeting after the executive committee decided to forward the bylaw amendment, which includes monthly water billing, to council. Currently, water bills are sent out quarterly – once every three months.
The bylaw includes a series of additional updates which allow for monthly billing. The bylaw would change the billing period from every three months to “a period designated by city council,” and it would change the late payment penalty rate to two per cent.
After Monday’s meeting, Mayor Greg Dionne said he’s still on side with the change to monthly billing. “Strictly because all the people that talk to me support monthly billing because it’s so easy to budget. Everyone gets the gas bill, they get the power bill, they get the telephone bill, they get every bill monthly. Except for the water bill.