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Volunteers Strengthen Our Community

Apr 11, 2013 | 9:33 AM

“From Many Peoples Strength”. Our official Saskatchewan motto is demonstrated every day by the many volunteers in our province who use their talent and skills to help others.

Last week, over 100 individuals and 37 service groups were recognized by the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region at ‘A Symphony of Service’ award ceremony.

Combined, these volunteers invest almost 50,000 hours per year to support health programs and services in communities across the region.

These citizens who give so freely with only a smile and a thank you in return, are a true inspiration. They strengthen our human bonds, and nurture the soul of Saskatchewan. Minister of Health Dustin Duncan has acknowledged their service, commenting that, “this is a remarkable commitment.”

The Samuel McLeod Business Awards are presented each year in Prince Albert to recognize those who create economic opportunities within our community. Their hard work helps our community excel in these times of economic growth in Saskatchewan. This year my colleague MLA Darryl Hickie and I were pleased to be among the presenters of these prestigious awards.

Economic opportunities yielded record setting employment numbers for March 2013. There were 547,700 people working in Saskatchewan, an increase of 25,700 (4.9 per cent) over last March. That’s the strongest rate of employment growth in Canada and the most people ever working in Saskatchewan in the month of March.

These numbers reflect the priorities of our Growth Plan, and our government will continue endeavouring to make decisions that encourage job creation in Saskatchewan.

Off-reserve aboriginal employment was up by 2,200 (5.6 per cent) for the second month in a row of year-over-year increases, and aboriginal unemployment dropped 1,600 for the sixth month in a row of year-over-year declines. The aboriginal unemployment rate is now 12.2 per cent, down from 15.8 per cent a year ago.

There is still more work to be done in closing the employment gap between aboriginal and non-aboriginal people, but today's numbers show we are moving in the right direction.

Other highlights include:

Full-time employment increased by 19,800 to a record high of 445,400 for the month of March.

Construction jobs were up 7,900 and Agriculture jobs were up 7,600 year-over-year.

The safety of people on Saskatchewan roads is at the heart of changes in highway construction zones. This year, signs in the highway work zone are changing to ensure that speed limits are “black and white.” Speed limits in highway work zones will be clearly marked with regulatory black and white speed signs of 60 km/h. As per all other speed signs, the driver must legally slow to the speed indicated or face increased penalties in the work zone. A driver will know they are approaching a construction zone by the orange sign with an image of a worker on it, the new speed sign will be approximately 150 metres behind. When leaving the construction area you will see a black and white regulatory sign with the new speed limit.

This change in signage also comes with increased penalties for those who break the law. Fines for drivers caught speeding in work zones will start at $210 and will increase by $3 per every kilometre over the speed limit, up to a speed of 90 km/h and $5 for every kilometre over 90 km/h. Drivers who speed through a work zone at 100 km/h will receive a fine of $450 plus a victim surcharge of $80 for a total of $530. Photo radar will also be used in some work zone beginning this year. These changes were first conceived following the tragic death last summer of a young highways worker.

Spring is slowly arriving in Saskatchewan. Everyone has a role to play when it comes to spring melt and potential flooding. An excellent resource for preparing for the spring melt is the Spring Runoff Preparedness website. This information can be found at

Prince Albert Northcote constituents are always welcome to contact my office by calling 306-922-4220. You may also visit my website at or email Our office is located at 5A 598 15th St East across from Superstore.