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Resisting Resistance – March E-News

Mar 28, 2013 | 6:24 AM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited

This is not going to be pretty, but it’s going to be done.

As you may or may not have noticed, the newsletter has been absent for a few months. Thanks to those of you who have noticed and prodded me forward to continue.

My thousand and one excuse begin with what could be the worst business decision I have ever made – switching to a Mac.

I keep talking to him… “Oh Mac, I know that I am supposed to love you and maybe I will some day, but today is just not that day. You have made my life so much harder than it needs to be.”

Hmmm, maybe it not just Mac, and all the data I have lost and all the new programs I have to learn (including this new email one).

Maybe it’s just life in general, moving from the comfort of what we know, pushing through the discomfort of the change ( maybe yours is electronic health records or divorce or a move or an empty nest), all the while crying, cursing and stomping our feet – oh maybe that’s just me?

I just finished a good book on pushing past resistance by Steven Pressfield, it’s called Do the Work. He talks about using these unconventional champions to help; stupidity, stubbornness and blind faith.

As I try to untangle these messy issues I have found myself in, I am trying to apply these concepts to help me out.

Stupidity – be clueless enough to have no idea how hard it is going to be and cocky enough to know you will figure out a way to make it work. Don’t think so much, just do the work.

Stubbornness – Once we commit to action, the worst thing we can do is stop. I will not go back to a PC, my old website provider or email subscription service, I will figure this out, ask for help, go for classes, whatever I have to do – I will always go forward, not back.

Blind Faith – I believe that something better is ahead. Maybe the things I lost are making room for new, more wonderful things ahead? Maybe the time I have put out figuring out these new systems will save me countless hours in the future?

Patricia Ryan Madson suggests this improv exercise: imagine there is a box with a lid, hold the box in your hand and open – what’s inside? There is always something in it, it may be a nice scarf, it may be a buck, it may be a note, but there will always be something in the box – we will never go without and in my box, there is always something good.

I hope this newsletter will look prettier and more organized one day, but for now, done is better than perfect and I send it out to you with my best wishes as you untangle whatever issue is causing resistance in your world.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to give me a lesson on Macs or eWeber, I’m all ears!

Steph   P.S.  Have you heard about Motivational Mondays yet? Tonnes of fun and you’ll meet the nicest people. April 22 is the next one in Winnipeg, get your tickets now (or check out it there is one coming you your city) here:

Stephanie Staples is the author of When Enlightening Strikes – Creating a Mindset for Uncommon Success and an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker. She empowers audiences & clients across North America to bring their ‘A’ game to work and to life. Stephanie has a special interest in working with and empowering nurses and healthcare providers. She happily calls Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada home.  You can get loads of complimentary resources to help with issues such as work/life balance, wellness, stress management and happiness in general, as well as find out more information about her coaching and speaking services at

The post Resisting Resistance – March E-News first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited