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Simple, affordable life insurance protection

Nov 28, 2012 | 5:54 AM

Shawn & Rita are empty-nesters. They have paid off their debts, invested in their retirement, and have
saved money for their children. They would like to have something extra to “invest in their future
grandchildren’s education”. They were considering life insurance but as their health has deteriorated,
they are concerned that they would not be eligible. Luckily, they heard from a friend about
Responsibility® Life from The Co-operators.

You don’t want to leave your family with the burden of paying your final expenses, such as your funeral
costs and outstanding debts. Buying life insurance can protect your family by covering these expenses.
If you are between 40 and 80 years of age, you may think you’re no longer eligible. Good news! There’s
a simple and affordable way to get the coverage you need. Responsibility® Life from The Co-operators.

With Responsibility® Life applying is easy – just a few quick questions and you’re done. There are no
medical tests or doctor’s reports required. And your coverage can begin immediately. It’s that simple!

Life insurance can be used to:
• Cover funeral costs and any outstanding debts or medical bills
• Leave a financial gift for your family, favourite charity or church
• Contribute to an education plan for your children and grandchildren
• Provide peace of mind knowing you are financially prepared.