Top story of 2011, Girder failure, weight restrictions and eventual repair of Diefenbaker Bridge
The Diefenbaker Bridge, its girder failure, weight restriction and eventual repair is our top story of 2011.
It started in August when a keen-eyed canoeist spotted a crack in the western-most girder of the bridge on a weekend. They informed the city and police and by Monday, the city made the emergency decision to close the southbound lanes that sat on top of the cracked girder.
“As soon as we saw the failure mechanism we knew we had to take the load off it,” said city manager Robert Cotterill. Before engineers could arrive, the city simply assumed the worst and put a load restriction of 15 tonnes on the bridge.
A failure of that size came as a surprise to many in City Hall as a bridge inspection had been conducted earlier in the summer. However, it was determined that the failure was the result of a newly-recognized and little-understood stress mechanism on the ailing span, and simply could not have been detected.