Darryl Hickie’s MLA Report
This past week was one of the best when it came to news stories and announcements for Prince Albert:
This past week I had the privilege of accompanying Premier Wall and Paper Excellence Vice-President Ed Roste, along with staff of the mill and dignitaries for the unofficial opening of the new Prince Albert Pulp Incorporated. The sign revealing was a moment of excitement as we now have a Company name assigned to the site. As traffic on highway 55 honked their horns in approval all in attendance agreed that the re-starting of the mill without risking tax payers dollars was a sign that the forestry industry was making a comeback.
An interesting point I want to mention pertains to the agreement to purchase cogenerated power from P.A. Pulp as an important factor in Paper Excellence moving on the purchase. In fact the deal to purchase green cogenerated energy from the site to put into the provincial power grid was something that should have been allowed to happen prior to the mill closing. Our government recognizes that many companies have for years wanted to do just this, all were denied except for two, and for every venture wanting to look at the possibility of cogeneration our government will be more than willing to enter into those discussions. The reason is as our province continues to grow SaskPower is telling us that demand will need all available supply options explored and we will do just that.