P.A. Youth Residence fills
A back-up of young offenders in remand last week in Prince Albert resulted in some getting sent to Regina.
It is something that is not unusual, said Judy Orthner, communications director for the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing, explaining it happens every few months at one of the provincial youth remand centres – what is unusual is they were sent so far away. When the Prince Albert Youth Residence is full, they try to keep the kids as close as possible, sending them to either Saskatoon’s Kilburn Hall or the North Battleford Youth Centre.
“From time to time we just don’t have sufficient space at one location, and you know sometimes, depending on how quickly the kids might go through youth court or it might depend on how many charges have been laid by the local police or RCMP, there are a number of factors that might relate why one youth facility is busier than the other,” she said. The reasons might be as simple as the court system or police might be busier than normal.
The remand unit in Prince Albert has 12 beds, and from time to time they fill up, she said.