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Saskatchewan teachers and government close to an agreement

Jul 6, 2011 | 5:28 PM

The mediation process hasn't resulted in a deal between the Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation (STF) and the government-trustee bargaining committee, but it appears a deal may be imminent.

A joint statement released by the two sides acknowledges that they couldn't reach a deal but they're calling it a successful conclusion to the mediation process.

Both the teachers and the government have agreed to use the mediator's recommendations to put a new deal together.

Mediator Richard Hornung's report recommends the 5.5 per cent wage increase over three years proposed by the government's bargaining committee be accepted.

Hornung also concludes that the previously-debated “market adjustment,” meant to bring salaries up to a comparable level to other western Canadian provinces, should be brought slightly higher than the government's previous proposals. That means teachers earning the minimum salary level will get a 5.01 per cent increase in the contract's second year and those at the maximum level will see a 3.34 per cent jump.

Those adjustments would be retroactive to September 1 2010, as would the base salary increase.

The total compensation increase would come out at 8.9 per cent, which is lower than the average wage increase of 16 per cent over three years sought by teachers during the bargaining process.

Hornung also recommends other measures be taken, including a provision that would see teachers reach their top possible salary four years sooner. The recommendation also includes a proposal that would see principals and vice-principals receive a slight increase in their administrative allowances.

The release says both sides will work together to craft a deal on that basis, but it could take a couple of weeks to finalize.