Farmers to hold their own plebiscite on future of CWB
The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) farmer-controlled board of directors announced today that producers will hold their own plebiscite on the future of their grain-marketing organization.
“Producers have the right, under current law, to vote on whether their grain is marketed through a single-desk structure,” said CWB chair Allen Oberg, a farmer from Forestburg, Alberta. “The federal government plans to change the law this fall to dismantle the CWB single desk without a farmer plebiscite,” he said in a news release.
“We, as the CWB's board of directors, feel compelled to offer producers this opportunity to express their wishes in a democratic way. Our preference would have been a fair and binding federal plebiscite. We now call on the government to listen to farmers and respect the results of this plebiscite.”
Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz told the Grain Growers of Canada in Winnipeg Wednesday that the board is out-dated, but could still survive without the monopoly. He said, the single desk marketing system on wheat and barley sales has got to go if the grain industry is to grow stronger.