Good Sams Learn About Good Genealogy
Good Sams Learn About Good Genealogy
As part of the Good Sams Samboree in Prince Albert, the Prince Albert Branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society offered two sessions in Basic Genealogy. Branch member and genealogist Audrey Boyko presented the basic how-to with help from Nancy Carswell and Leverne Baxter. The Thursday June 9 and Friday June 10 sessions had over 20 participants and were well received.
Named after the Good Samaritan, Good Sams are RVers who are committed to making RVing safer and more enjoyable. It traces its roots to a group of RVers who used Good Samaritan bumper stickers to let other RVers know they were willing to help on the road. It also saves members money through discounts. The Saskatchewan Samboree is an annual event offering the opportunity for members to camp together, exchange tips, take tours, and participate in a variety of sessions.
After the first day's genealogy session, Boyko offered to do a specific search for those with a particular question. A good Sam had a brick wall and within a short time Boyko had demolished it. “All the woman knew was that her husband's mother had arrived in a small Manitoba town with a baby and a trunk in the middle of the night. The next day she purchased a hotel with cash,” Bokyo explained. “In genealogy, knowing the place and time can sometimes be the wrecking ball that can remove a brick wall.” The place and time led to a ship passenger list and the passenger list to missing family data.