PA/Paddockwood Royal Purple Celebrate Royal Purple Day at Mont St. Joseph’s Nursing Home
Every year on the 1st Wed of June the Royal Purple of Canada celebrate Royal Purple Day. This is a day we set aside to pay tribute to our senior citizens.
They are the ones who worked and toiled so hard to make our country what it is to day. Prince Albert/Paddockwood went to Mont St. Joe's where we supplied lunch and entertainment for 2-3 hrs
We had live old time music to dance to and many of the residents even tho they are in wheelchairs got out and danced in their chair with the staff and members of the Royal Purple.
In the picture is Ladies Peggy Kugler, Agnes Korniski, Donna Backstrom, Mary Ellerman, Cora Wilson, Angie Nelson, Mae Bradford and Rose Chatain. Sitting in front is Shannon Hurl and Andy(res).