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B-ING Hip Hop Workshop a Huge Hit with Northern Youth

May 18, 2011 | 12:06 PM

On May 13 & 14, 2011 Green Lake hosted the B-ING Hip Hop Workshop at St. Pascal School. The Northern Sport, Culture and Recreation District (NSCRD) partnered with the Interactive Media and Performance (IMP) Labs of the University of Regina to deliver a two day workshop in beatmaking, DJing, graffiti, mobile media, and break dancing.

There were forty four active youth participating in the workshop from five northern communities including the host community Green Lake, Beauval, Buffalo Narrows, Pinehouse, and La Ronge.

Lead by Dr. Charity Marsh, the team from the IMP Labs of the University of Regina did a great job teaching the northern youth basic musical elements used in hip hop tracks; how to structure a song (intro, chorus, verse, bridge, hook, etc.); how to create beats on the MPCs and transfer music to the computer; edit and mix beats in different audio computer programs (Ableton Live, Garage Band, etc.); the beginning elements of DJing (cue, baby scratch, mixing, connecting beats); storytelling with sound; the basics for graffiti arts; and the basics of break dancing.

The workshop closed with presentations from the youth’s work which included sound stories (the creation of stories through sounds), many awesome beats, and a break dancing performance. It was amazing to hear and see the originality of the beats and stories created in such a short time, as well as the break dancing moves.

“That is a sick beat (about a beat created by two of the youth) … I can totally see it getting picked up by a hip hop artist.” says Dr. Charity Marsh, lead facilitator of the workshop. When asked what the youth and chaperones thought of the hip hop workshop, some responses were “… we got to learn a bunch of new things.”; “… (it was) Something creative, the arts for our students which in the north they don’t encounter.”

A huge thank you to Charity Marsh and her team Ryan, Beth, John & Ben for a fantastic workshop and to the host community of Green Lake for the awesome meals and looking after us so well! Funding support for the workshop was provided by the Ministry of Tourism, Parks, Culture & Sport, Government of Saskatchewan, as well as sponsorship from the Northern Lights School Division #113.