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National Volunteer Week

Apr 10, 2011 | 12:47 PM

Volunteers helping at our local Prince Albert Community Clubs and Community Centres MAKE A TREMENDOUS DIFFERENCE IN YOUR NEIGBORHOOD!

Many of the Community Clubs in Prince Albert are looking for new Volunteers to get involved in their activities. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, offer input into the revitalizai on and safety of your
neighborhood and give back to your Community.

– Are you  looking for something to do a few hours a week during the fall and winter?
– Do your kids enjoy skating, hockey or playing shinny at the neighborhood rink?
– Are you looking to join a group of people to assist in off ering recreai onal opportunii es to youth?
– Do you have some fi nancial, facility, trade, concession, programming or organizai onal skills?

Naitional Volunteer Week pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who graciously donate their i me and energy. This year’s 68th annual Nai onal Volunteer Week takes place the week of April 10 to 16. It is Canada’s largest celebration of volunteers, volunteerism and civic participation.