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World Water Day – March 22nd at JMC

Mar 17, 2011 | 6:18 PM

History was made on July 28, 2010 when the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly agreed (122 out of 163 countries) to a resolution declaring the human right to “safe and clean drinking water and sanitation”. Canada shamefully abstained.

Mayor Scarrow proclaimed March 22 to be World Water Day (see proclamation attached). Come and join with us to celebrate WATER-something we cannot live without that we have a duty to protect which is best accomplished by keeping it publicly owned.

Deputy Mayor Cheryl Ring will bring greetings from the city and give a brief presentation on water and the water related issues facing PA.

We will also be showing the film Burning Water which is about fracking (fact sheet attached) and how it is affecting families in Alberta (significant exploration is also underway in Saskatchewan).