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Badge of Respect and Peace Awards

Mar 18, 2011 | 3:47 PM

The Badge of Respect and Peace awards is a program to recognize and provide positive behavior such as:

  • Showing interest in the feelings of others
  • Handling own anger in a peaceful way (not hurting others)
  • Standing up for someone who needs help
  • Respectful to others

We are requesting nominations for children and youth between the ages of 5 and 18. Children and youth can also self-refer by providing something in writing about how they have shown respectful and/or peaceful behavior. We suggest that you provide detailed information when nominating a child/youth or nominating yourself.

Age categories: 5 to 7 years; 8 to 11 years; 12 to 14 years; and 15 to 18 years

Nominations will be accepted until April 11th, 2011. Nomination forms are available at schools, the CAFV office and web-site The award recipients will be announced at an awards event to be held on May 2rd, 2011 to coincide with National Youth Week. This will be held at the Art Hauser Centre from 12:00pm –1:15pm. Lunch is provided.

Why Nominate?

· This is a high-profile event where children and youth are recognized with the Prince Albert Mayor and Chief of Police delivering their congratulations.
· Every child or youth nominated receives a certificate and will receive a framed certificate if present at the event.

For more information, please call 953-6219 or 953-6281.