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Cyber-Bullying Expert, Rob Nickel to Be Speaking To Students and Teachers

Mar 17, 2011 | 10:08 AM

We are bringing M. Rob Nickels to Prince Albert on March 22, 23 and 24 to speak to our teachers and students.

Mr. Nickel's presentation synopsis is below for your information.

Mr. Nickel is presenting to the teachers at their annual convention on Tuesday, two classes for students and Wednesday at St. Mary's school and two classes for students on Thursday at Carlton High School.

Rob is also doing a parents night on Wednesday Mach 23 at St. Mary's High School.

Internet Safety

In the world of the Internet you can never be too safe. That is why Rob Nickel, a 14-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police puts his knowledge of Internet crimes to use in his cyber-safety  presentations.

For over half of his police career Rob worked online undercover dealing with individuals who try and harm our children, as well as meet with these predators face to face. He takes past stories from investigations and mixes them with humour and fun to help people understand the dangers that lurk
online, so they can take that knowledge and make sure all children Stay Safe in a Wired World.


The anonymity of the Internet has allowed children to feel a little more at ease at being the “Tough Guy”. It is like in the old days before call display. Making those prank phone calls because there was no way to find out who was calling.

Although the typical bully is someone in the schoolyard everyone knows and fears, today the online bully can be much more intimidating and damaging to our youth. Rob Nickel “The Cyber-Safety
Expert” and 14-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police, will share with the audience how cyberbullies work, and how to protect our children from these individuals. Rob uses past investigations and mixes them with humour and fun to help people understand the dangers of the cyberbully, so we can all help our children Stay Safe in a Wired World.