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Countdown to provincial budget continues as Saskatchewan legislature starts session

Mar 7, 2011 | 10:10 AM

The politicians get back to work Monday for the last legislative session before the election in November. Premier Brad Wall expects the budget on March 23 will be the centrepiece of discussion for the next ten weeks. He says it will almost be a blueprint of what voters can expect his party to highlight during the upcoming election campaign.

And he suspects debate in the legislature will focus on issues that will be raised during the campaign, NDP ideas the government doesn't support, like rent control and raising potash royalties.

“They have to make their case, we will have to make ours, that is what the legislature is all about, ” Wall said. And the NDP's Dwain Lingenfelter has a similar opinion the next few months will be like a mock campaign.

“There will be a major shift and we'll now be debating what an NDP government will be doing after the election versus what a Sask Party government will do,” Lingenfelter said.