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Glee Club goes to Telemiracle

Mar 5, 2011 | 6:18 AM

Telemiracle is under way this weekend in Saskatoon. This year’s telethon is featuring several performers from around Prince Albert including Roger Boucher, Matt Remenda and St. Mary High School’s Glee Club.

Kayliegh Smith, director of the glee club said, leading up the show she has seen a very positive anticipation from the students.

“The kids are ready to go. They’re excited. Just running into them in the halls I can just feel the energy and see the energy in them so it’s really exciting,” Smith said.

“A lot of the school is prepared, getting ready to watch us and support us.”

Smith said getting involved in Telemiracle was a natural fit with the mission of St. Mary, doing service work and working within the catholic community.

“It fits in with what our school is about and my hopes for what the glee club can do.”

The glee club is new to St Mary this year. Smith said she had wanted to run a glee club for a few years and the popularity of the TV show, Glee, made it easy to find interested students.

“We started it up in the fall. I wasn’t really sure how many kids would take the bait, but our numbers have grown very healthily in the past few months. The kids that are in it are really involved and it means a lot to them.”

Smith said in the past there hasn’t been a lot of opportunity for the kids to share their talents and perform. She said getting to be involved with an event this huge where their friends and family can see them is a big deal for the kids.

The Glee Club performs at Telemiracle on Saturday in Saskatoon at 11:30 p.m.