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Jail sentence for impaired driving

Mar 4, 2011 | 4:24 PM

A man has been sentenced to a month in jail after for a injuring a person while drinking and driving.

Ryan Conrad Masuskapoe, 29, of Ahtakakoop First Nation pleaded guilty to impaired driving causing bodily harm and failing to comply with a probation order.

The court heard that on Nov. 10, 2008, at around 9 p.m., Masuskapoe was driving with two passengers about half a mile north of Shell Lake.

The car lost control due to road conditions and ended up shallow water. One passenger received several lacerations to their hand and the other had minor back injuries.

Police responded to the accident and found that Masuskapoe showed signs of impairment. Two breathalyser tests were conducted and they showed a blood alcohol level of 0.170 and .180.

The court also heard that he had previous drinking and driving convictions, but also that he had attended alcohol treatment since the incident.

Provincial judge T.W. Ferris he had to balance that treatment both with the fact that other were at risk in the incident and also that there were previous convictions and a break of probation.

“One of the factors I’m considering is the endangerment of other people,” Ferris said. “But you had the sense to stay out of trouble and get treatment.”

In the end Ferris sentenced Masuskapoe to 33 days in prison for both the impaired charge and the break of probation. He included a recommendation that Masuskapoe be allowed to serve the sentence in an alcohol treatment centre if it was available.

As well he was given a two-year driving prohibition.