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Safe Skating Tips

Feb 27, 2011 | 8:20 PM

• Wear the gear! Wearing a CSA (Canadian Standards Association), Snell or ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) approved helmet, that fits properly, will help prevent head injuries. It should be snug yet comfortable.

Hockey helmets are recommended over cycling helmets because they withstand multiple impacts. Wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads help prevent wrist fractures, and bruises on knees and elbows.
• Choose proper fitting skates that give you good support around your ankles (molded skates are not recommended). Local sport stores should be able to help you with a proper fit. Remember, new skates must be sharpened before you go on the ice and then sharpened again each year at the start of the skating season.
• Lace your skates all the way up. You should never wrap the laces around your ankle. If the laces are too long, tie them in a double knot so you won't trip over them.
• Wear only one pair of socks. Multiple pairs will make you feel colder and your skates might be too tight.
• Wear proper clothing: gloves, neck warmer, helmet, waterproof jacket and pants (NO jeans, as they will not keep you warm and dry if they get wet), long underwear, and a sweater should do the trick.
• Get trained! Instructors will be able to teach you the basics of skating, such as how to stop, how to fall safely, and how to get up after a fall and an easier time stopping. won't get in anyone's way.

• Skating too fast – this puts you and those around you at risk.
• Playing sports unless in a designated area (for example, hockey).
• Holding on to more then one person – this increases your chance of falling and hurting someone else.
• Placing sharp items in your pockets (i.e. keys, combs, etc.).
• Using your toe-pick to start or stop (this will ruin the ice surface, and it won't give the stability you need to safely start or stop), or removing bottom pick