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Health announcement brings excitement to region

Feb 22, 2011 | 3:17 PM

Paying for new care homes just became a little cheaper for municipalities, after the ministry of health announced a change in the funding share for health facilities.

The government will now pay an 80 per cent share up from 65 per cent.

The news has made Richard Porter a little more optimistic when looking at funding for the Shellbrook Integrated Facility.

“It makes us feel really good and I think we really have to thank the ministry for moving forward with this. Our project is about ready to go to tender and it just takes a real load off our shoulders as a community,” said Porter, the chairman for the steering committee for the building.

The change comes after increasing pressure from municipalities that were struggling to meet their 35 per cent share for health facilities.

Recently, the City of Prince Albert said they would be unable to fund their share of the new Pineview Terrace Lodge at the 65 to 35 ratio.

“We’re really happy with the 80/20, that might get the Pineview project moving again, which is a very high need,” said Lynnda Berg vice-president of primary care.

The Ministry of Health has been under pressure from Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association and Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities to make a change, she said.

“SUMA made their point very well I’d heard some of it from SARM prior but definitely SUMA at their convention made a strong pitch for it as well as the communities as well as, I would say the MLAs,” said Don McMorris, Minister of Health.

“This really started, I would say six, seven months ago when I met with the communities, the 13 communities that have facilities pending.”

The final decision regarding the change was made last week.

Along with the funding change, the provincial government announced $133 million for health care — capital equipment, physician recruitment and electronic records among others.

The health region will learn their share of the funds over the next couple of weeks, said McMorris.

While there were no funds directly for Victoria Hospital, McMorris said the facility remains a priority and that the government realizes the need.