ALS Walk
Feb 19, 2011 | 1:01 PM
May 28th, 2011 – ALS Walk @ Messiah Lutheran Church – 1796 15th Ave E
8am Pancake breakfast – till about noon
10am Register for the Walk
11am Walk begins (3 or 6 kms)
May 28th, 2011 – ALS Walk @ Messiah Lutheran Church – 1796 15th Ave E
8am Pancake breakfast – till about noon
10am Register for the Walk
11am Walk begins (3 or 6 kms)
After the walk we will make our draws for the various raffles including our large raffle. The prizes will vary on the small draws and silent auctions.
Our main raffle has 3 prizes: $500 cash, a $200 framed print from Christina’s Art Gallery, and a $150 Photo Shoot session with Beverly Skotheim.
Contact Beth Deobald and cell is 961-7890 for more information or to donate.