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Preaching and Stewardship Study at James Settee College

Feb 16, 2011 | 1:52 PM

The James Settee College met in Prince Albert on the week of January 23rd to take a course on Preaching and to spend a day studying Stewardship. 

Dr. Gary Graber led the course on Preaching, which was a follow up to last year’s winter programme.  Students used the Gospel Commentaries of Bishop Ryle as a guide, as they considered and discussed how to preach in their local communities. 

There were more than twenty students in attendance for the four-day course held at the Synod Office.    One student from Cumberland House described the courses as “awesome” while others appreciated learning how to apply the Bible to their own lives and communities. 

On Wednesday, Bishop Michael worked through the Biblical principles of Stewardship and Giving with the students, and new Offering Envelopes were distributed with the students to share in their communities.

After a small, three-hour break, many of the College students were joined by others from around the Diocese for the Diocesan Indigenous Council. The Council met on January 28th and 29th to consider the proposal “Mamuwe Isi Miywachimowin – Together in the Gospel” prepared by the Working Group. 

The meeting began with opening remarks by the Bishop and Archdeacon and a celebration of the Holy Communion with healing prayers. 

On Saturday, the about forty members gathered, placing the Gospel in the centre of the circle.  The day was shaped around Gospel-Based Discipleship. 

Members of the Working Group presented the different sections of their proposal to the Council.  The proposal includes the election, by traditional means, of a Diocesan Indigenous Bishop to serve alongside the Diocesan Bishop and the formation of a larger General Assembly and a smaller Council. 

The proposal was heartily endorsed by the Council and will now be sent on to the Diocesan Executive for their endorsement and recommendation to the Provincial Executive Committee. 

It was a wonderful week full of teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers.