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After School Activities at King George Community School

Feb 16, 2011 | 3:47 PM

Babysitting Course
We will be offering a Babysitting Course on Tuesday, February 15 to Friday, February 18, 2011, from 3:00 – 4:30pm.  The course is a certificate program with a certificate issued at the end with a passing mark.

Snack will be provided.  Participants must be at least 12 years old.  If interested in the course please pickup a registration form from Ms. Williams.
Evening Gym Time
The grades 5 – 8 have been enjoying the evening gym time on Wednesday’s from 6:00 – 8:00.
The city has provided us with 2 youth workers who come and provide recreational opportunities for our children.

Before we send the children home they are given a snack. We have open spaces for more children to attend. If you are interested please ask Ms. Williams for a permission slip.  
Homework & Computers   
For grades  2-5: Homework & Computers is being offered on Wednesday’s from 3:00-4:00 pm in the library. We now are full; students must remember that if they sign up they are expected to attend. If you don’t attend we will remove you from the list and give other children a chance to attend.
Children will be expected to finish any homework that they have before they can use the computer.
Students will be dismissed at 4:00 pm from the program.
Floor Hockey  
The Grades 5 and 6’s will have the opportunity to play floor hockey. We have joined with other community schools and the Lakeland and District for Sports, Culture and Recreation to be in a floor hockey league. The season starts February 7th with March 23rd being our last game.

Our games are held at Wesmor High School and the Prince Albert Grand Council Gym we will be bused
there and back.