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It’s Your Labor Force – It’s Your Business

Feb 14, 2011 | 9:09 AM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 – 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
Prince Albert Travelodge – 3551 2nd Avenue West

If you are a large or small employer, a training institution, a First Nation, a Metis organization, a member of the Chamber, Tourism, PADIDA … or a human resource manager, a business owner or a government agency … the information discussed focuses on increasing the labour supply and reducing the unemployment rate in the region.

· “Key labour market trends”: An update on what’s happening in the region.
· “The labour market game plan”: Updates by North Central region groups on the most recent steps
being taken in a) Immigration b) Marketing to employees across Canada and c) Development of the
· “Best practices in Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention”:
Aboriginal Business Consultants (ACS) will deliver a presentation on “what’s working best” in this
field, based on experiences with employers across the province. ACS has been delivering Aboriginal
awareness education in Saskatchewan since 1997. Its highly trained, respected facilitators deliver
education on First Nations and Métis issues, and create a relaxed environment where attendees
feel comfortable discussing issues that are relevant to them both personally and professionally. The
company believes that attendee participation is key to the program’s success.
· “Increasing Training Capacity in the North Central Region”: An update on the strategy identified as
a priority at the first Labour Market Committee meeting in November.
Please register by email ( or fax (306-242-7949)
on or before February 11.