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Saskatchewan sees increasing prevalence of diabetes

Feb 9, 2011 | 5:55 AM

According to the Canadian Diabetes Association Saskatchewan faces the highest combined prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes in the Prairies

Findings released from the Saskatchewan Diabetes Cost Model shows that without action, the cost and prevalence of diabetes in the province will continue to increase substantially over the next 10 years.

“The economic burden of diabetes in Saskatchewan is serious and threatens the sustainability of our healthcare system and the provincial economy,” Michael Cloutier, President and CEO, Canadian Diabetes Association, said in a press release.

It’s estimated that through direct and indirect costs, the price tag of diabetes in Saskatchewan is about $419 million per year. By 2020, Cloutier said, the costs will increase to $532 million each year.

He added that it is more than just the economic burden of diabetes that is causing problems. Diabetes is reaching epidemic prortion in the province, with nearly seven per cent of the population currently diagnosed and raising to 10 per cent by 2020 — an almost 50 per cent increase.

To stop the quickly increasing numbers, the Canadian Diabetes Association has recommended that the Saskatchewan government to adjust its current diabetes strategy.

They suggest greater access to diabetes medications, devices and supplies in order to prevent or delay costly diabetes complications as well as more access to the medical specialists required to help manage the disease.