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Nominate Someone You Know for Terry Fox Award. Deadline Extended Until Feb. 18th

Jan 31, 2011 | 10:57 AM

The Nomination Deadline for the 2010 Terry Fox Award has been extended to February 18, 2011.

The Terry Fox Award is presented annually by the City of Prince Albert, recognizing those traits in one of its young citizens, which best emulate the ideals and inspirations of one of Canada’s leading citizens, the late Terry Fox.

Nomination Forms and Guidelines are available at the Community Services Department,  3rd Floor City Hall  or visit the City of Prince Albert’s website.

For more information, please contact
 Jody Boulet, Recreation Manager at 953-4800.

Terry Fox Award
The Terry Fox Award is presented annually by the City of Prince Albert to recognize those traits
in one of its young citizens, which best emulate the ideals and inspiration of one of Canada's
leading citizens, the late Terry Fox.

This award will serve to perpetuate the memory of his heroic achievement, while acknowledging
tangible accomplishment for one who closely identifies with Terry’s ideals.

1. Candidates may be male or female.
2. Candidates must be under 21 years of age in the calendar year of the award.
3. Candidates must have been a resident of the corporate limits of the City of Prince Albert for at
least four continuous months during the calendar year of the award. Persons with permanent
addresses outside the city limits shall be eligible only if they are in full-time attendance at a
recognized education institution within the city.
4. Persons who have been nominated in prior years but who were not successful, remain eligible
for nomination provided all other conditions are met.

1. The candidate shall be nominated by written submission only. Nominations shall include the
signature of a seconder.
2. Only one person shall be nominated per letter, and only one nomination per person will be
3. Nominations shall include a resume of the nominee's qualifications and activities for the past
years, which in the opinion of the sender shall qualify the nominee for such an award. Such
information shall not exceed 500 words in length, however such other support material as the
sender shall deem appropriate may be included.
4. Nominations shall be on the form provided or shall include all of the information requested on
the form.
5. Nominations shall be sent to:
Terry Fox Award
Attention: Jody Boulet, Recreation Manager
City of Prince Albert
1084 Central Avenue
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 7P3
6. Nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, February 18, 2011.
U:CommunicationTerry Fox Award2010 TFA Criteria extended to Feb 18-2011.doc

The merits upon which nominees for the award will be judged have intentionally been left with rather
broad parameters. Generally, the award is intended to recognize good citizenship, which may have
been demonstrated in a number of ways.

As a general guide, youth who have shown exceptional service to their school, social, athletic, civic or
church institutions will be considered. Consideration will be given to individuals who have shown
perseverance and determination, whether of a public or personal nature.

Judges will consider also, a life style, an attitude, or series of small accomplishments that in total
shall be meritorious, on an equal basis with one singular achievement.

Although all circumstances will be considered, it is not a requisite that achievements are made in the
climate of physical or economic adversity.