Regina Council approves low-rent “pocket suites” despite disapproval of neighbours
Residents of the area just east of the Regina's downtown say their neighbourhood will be literally destroyed now that City Council has approved a small, low-rent, charity-run apartment development.
Council gave their stamp of approval to Ehrlo Community Service's plan to build an eight-unit, two-floor group of “pocket suites” aimed at young singles moving from foster homes, group homes, or other transitional types of housing. The concept was taken from an award-winning Winnipeg development, which spear-headed the roughly 200-square foot, self-contained style of apartment in inner-city areas.
Lorna Evans, a Heritage area resident, appeared before Council Monday night to ask for the application to be denied. She insists the neighbourhood is already over-saturated with transitional and social housing programs and she's worried it's driving away people who might look at living there.
“We are a super-saturated neighbourhood with these types of projects and outreach programs,” she emphatically told reporters after the approval was granted. “We can't sustain more and keep our neighbourhood viable for people wanting to move in.”