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Healing Circle at Our House

Jan 24, 2011 | 5:46 PM

By James Eninew

Our House offers multi programming in traditional and non-traditional teachings. One of our many programs include the healing circle for women held by Rose Marie Bird.

The healing circle is offered to women that have emotional, spiritual, mental and physical problems that may hold them back in life.

The program itself offers a place to open up and to talk with other females that may or have been through similar situations.

This program offers caring, support and understanding to the problems that have held a female back from achieving her goals. This is also another way to express and let go of the problems and to be able to see that others may have it harder then you, things become easier as you learn to cope and deal with the problems as they arise.

The program includes smudging, praying together, small activities and supporting each other through the struggles of life and best part of it all is you get to meet new people that understand you! J

Days that classes are offered are:  Thursdays @ 7pm

Where: YWCA – Our House 94 -15th str. east

Who: Rose Bird

Ph# (306)-922-6162